Legal Notice


The purpose of these Terms and Conditions is to define the terms and conditions for making the services available on the site, hereinafter named « le Service » and the conditions of use of the Service by the User.
Any access and / or use of the Service implies the acceptance and the respect of all the terms of these Conditions and their unconditional acceptance. They therefore constitute a contract between the Service and the User.
In the event that the User does not wish to accept all or part of the present general conditions, he is asked to give up any use of the Service.


The service is edited by : Arno SAS

  • The service is edited by : Arno SAS
  • Adress :  ZI les Ravaux – 63920 Peschadoires – France
  • Phone : (+33) 4 73 80 20 69
  • TVA Intra-communautaire : FR15453047425
  • N° de SIRET : 45304742500013
  • Activities :  Manufacture of other tools
  • E-mail address :

Creation of the website :

Agency Scopika, 15 Rue du Pré La Reine 63100 Clermont-Ferrand.
Website hosting : Dedicated server

Hosting of the website

OVH – 2, Rue Kellermann
BP 80157


  • User: The User is anyone who uses the Site or any of the services offered on the Site.
  • User Content: The term “User Content” refers to the data transmitted by the User in the different sections of the Site.
  • Member: The term “Member” refers to a user identified on the site.
  • Identifier: The term “Identifier” covers the information necessary to identify a user on the site to access the areas reserved for members.
  • Password : The “Password” is confidential information, which the User must keep secret, allowing him, used together with his ID, to prove the identity.

Service access

The Service is accessible free of charge to any User who has access to the Internet. All costs related to access to the Service, whether material costs, software or Internet access are exclusively the responsibility of the user. He is solely responsible for the proper functioning of his computer equipment as well as his access to the Internet.
Some sections of the site are reserved for Members after identification using their Username and Password.
The Service reserves the right to refuse access to the Service, unilaterally and without prior notice, to any User who does not comply with these terms of use.
The Service implements all reasonable means at its disposal to ensure quality access to the Service, but is under no obligation to do so.
The Service can not be held responsible for any malfunction of the network or servers or any other event beyond the reasonable control that would prevent or degrade access to the Service.
The Service reserves the right to interrupt, temporarily suspend or modify without notice access to all or part of the Service, in order to maintain it, or for any other reason, without interrupting it. right to no obligation or compensation.

Intellectual property

Le site, notamment son contenu, est protégé par le droit en vigueur en France. sont les titulaires exclusifs de l’intégralité des droits de propriété intellectuelle sur le site et son contenu (textes, photographies, illustrations, images, logos, etc.).

Le contenu reproduit sur le Site fait l’objet d’un droit d’auteur et sa reproduction ou sa diffusion, sans autorisation expresse écrite de, constitue une contrefaçon passible de sanctions pénales.

« » est une dénomination déposée de Toute reproduction non autorisée de ces marques, logos et signes distinctifs constitue une contrefaçon passible de sanctions pénales. Le contrevenant s’expose à des sanctions civiles et pénales et notamment aux peines prévues aux articles L. 335.2 et L. 343.1 du code de la Propriété Intellectuelle. 

L’Utilisateur est seul responsable du Contenu Utilisateur qu’il met en ligne via le Service, ainsi que des textes et/ou opinions qu’il formule. L’Utilisateur cède expressément et gracieusement à tous droits de propriété intellectuelle y afférant et notamment le droit de reproduction, de représentation et d’adaptation, pour la durée légale de protection des droits d’auteur. Il s’engage notamment à ce que ces données ne soient pas de nature à porter atteinte aux intérêts légitimes de tiers quels qu’ils soient. A ce titre, il garantit contre tous recours, fondés directement ou indirectement sur ces propos et/ou données, susceptibles d’être intentés par quiconque à l’encontre de Il s’engage en particulier à prendre en charge le paiement des sommes, quelles qu’elles soient, résultant du recours d’un tiers à l’encontre de, y compris les honoraires d’avocat et frais de justice. se réserve le droit de supprimer tout ou partie du Contenu Utilisateur, à tout moment et pour quelque raison que ce soit, sans avertissement ou justification préalable. L’Utilisateur ne pourra faire valoir aucune réclamation à ce titre.

Personal data

In a logic of respect for the privacy of its Users, The Service undertakes that the collection and processing of personal information, carried out within this site, shall be carried out in accordance with the law n ° 78-17 of January 6, 1978 relating to computers, files and freedoms, known as the “Informatique et Libertés” law.The site is not declared to the CNIL because it does not collect personal data.
In accordance with Article 34 of the “Informatique et Libertés” law, the Service guarantees the User the right to oppose, access and rectify personal data concerning him.
The User has the possibility to exercise this right by coming directly in contact by the following address :

Limits of liability

The information disseminated on the Service comes from reputable sources. However, the Service can not guarantee the accuracy or relevance of this data. In addition, the information provided on this site is for informational purposes only and does not constitute in any way advice or a recommendation of any nature whatsoever.
Accordingly, the use of information and content available on the entire site, can not in any way engage the responsibility of the Service, for any reason whatsoever. The User is solely responsible for the proper use, with discernment and wit, of the information made available on the Site.
Furthermore, the user undertakes to indemnify the Service for any harmful consequences directly or indirectly related to the use he makes of the Service.
Access to certain sections of the Service requires the use of an Identifier and a Password. The password, chosen by the user, is personal and confidential. The user undertakes to keep his password secret and not to disclose it in any form whatsoever. The use of his username and password through the internet is at the risk and peril of the user. It is the User’s responsibility to take all necessary measures to protect his own data against any infringement.
The Service nevertheless undertakes to put in place all the necessary means to guarantee the security and confidentiality of the data transmitted. The User is informed that one or more cookies, containing no personal information, may be placed on his hard drive to ensure his identification.
The User admits to know the limitations and constraints specific to the internet network and, as such, recognizes in particular the impossibility of a total guarantee of the security of the exchanges of data.The Service can not be held liable for damages resulting from the transmission of any information, including that of its username and / or password, via the Service.
The Service shall in no case, within the limits of applicable law, be held liable for damage and / or damage, direct or indirect, material or immaterial, or of any nature whatsoever, resulting from unavailability of the Service or from any Use of the Service. The term “use” should be understood in the broad sense, that is to say any use of the site whatsoever, lawful or not.
The User undertakes, in a general way, to respect all the regulations in force in France..

Hypertext links

The Service offers hypertext links to websites published and / or managed by third parties.
To the extent that no control is exercised over these external resources, the User acknowledges that the Service assumes no responsibility for the provision of these resources, and can not be held responsible for their content.

Force majeure

The responsibility of the Service can not be engaged in case of force majeure or facts beyond its control.

Evolution of this contract

the Service reserves the right to modify the terms, conditions and mentions of this contract at any time.
It is thus advised to the User to regularly consult the last version of the Terms of Use available on the Service.

Duration and termination

This contract is concluded for an indefinite period from the use of the Service by the User.

Applicable law and competent jurisdiction

The rules of law, applicable to content and data transmissions on and around the site, are determined by French law. In case of dispute, not being able to be the subject of an amicable agreement, only the French courts within the competence of the court of appeal of Clermont-ferrand are competent.


Photos Credit : Jérôme Cambier
Video Credits : Jérôme Cambier